


On Saturday, 27th November we celebrated our 50th anniversary. Our service took us on a journey from the beginning of the church in Penrhys (in the old community centre). 

The special occasion was a real blessing to all those who were able to come from Penrhys and further afield. The children were excellent, especially when they enthusiastically sang our ‘theme’ song, ‘One More Step Along the World We Go’ – with actions of course! 

Our visitors commented how well-behaved the children were, which is a lovely compliment. 

It was a particular privilege to welcome Barbara, who travelled with her husband from Aberavon, to be part of the service. She lived in Penrhys in 1971 and was a Sunday School teacher, working alongside Captain Brian Sampson and Mrs Jill Sampson who were the first church leaders. They now live in the East of England, but Barbara is still close friends with them. 

We hope they will be able to visit us at Llanfair next year. 

It was great to meet together in the cafe after the service to chat and enjoy the light refreshments – especially the chocolate birthday cake. 

We enjoy celebrating happy occasions at Llanfair at every opportunity and would like to thank everyone who attended!! 


We couldn’t have a Christmas Fayre last year due to Covid restrictions, but we made up for it this time by holding one on the 4th December and it went very well. Thanks to our hard-working team of local volunteers and the support of friends of all ages we were delighted to have raised £107.32 and before the day we raised £46.30 from the sale of Sian Jones’s beautiful Christmas cupcakes and toys that had been do-nated to Llanfair. 

The money will be sent to a very worthwhile charity, ‘Money for Madagascar’ which supports valuable projects in Madagascar, especially involving vulnerable children. 

Through the charity, £10 can buy a Christmas meal and present for a vulnerable child and £17.50 can buy a month’s lunches for a child who lives on the street. Life in Madagascar is very tough with people struggling to survive from day to day – especially in the south where there is a serious lack of food due to very little rain because of the effects of climate change. 

At the Christmas Fayre, there was a Table top Sale in the chapel with various stalls, a Tombola and ‘Name the Teddy’. There was a great atmosphere with people staying to chat and have a cuppa whilst the children had great fun playing together and helping out. Santa sat by the Christmas tree in the Café sharing gifts of selection packs and chatting with the children. It was a great day. 


Sadly, there are many churches and chapels in Wales who don’t have any or just a few children coming to their services or activities. Some don’t have a Sunday School at all. 

It was really encouraging before we restarted Sunday School at Llanfair earlier in the year, how keen our children were to come back. We are really pleased to have the pleasure to welcome so many children and teenagers to Llanfair, including a regular core of children who attend Sunday School where we listen to a story, act, play games and draw or colour pictures. 

Natasha, Anne and Sharon take turns to prepare and lead week by week. Before our 50th Anniversary celebration, Natasha asked the children two important questions and Tyra, who regularly helps us, kindly wrote the answers down: 

“What do you like about the church?” The answers included Cafe, Sunday School, Service, people coming together and being inclusive, but a clear favourite was Home-work Club. 

“If there could be something that we could do differently as a church, what could it be?” 

The answers were interesting: “To remember people who have died, TV, more computers, x-box, allowing people on their phones in church (???), music in the Café, disco night, more work and hard work in Homework Club (!!) , more children and visitors to come to church, more volunteers to help out in the church. 


The Infant Party and Junior Party on Monday, 12th and Tuesday, 13th December went really well in the Church Lounge and Café with lots of children and parents coming to enjoy celebrating Christmas together. 

We all enjoyed the time playing games, dancing, having some food and a visit from Santa. 

Thank you to all our wonderful volun-teers for all their hard work to enable the parties to happen! 


The children were presented with certificates, teddies and chocolates. 

The certificates were for working really hard in Homework Club on a weekly basis this term. 

The children were delighted to receive colourful knitted teddies and chocolates whihc were kind gifts from friends of Llanfair. 


Our Well Being Walk is a great way to enjoy exercise, fresh air, a chat and soak up the beautiful Rhondda countryside which are held on Friday afternoons. All are welcome to join us! For more information pop in to Llanfair. 


Unfortunately, the emergency Food Bank based at Llanfair has been busy since it began a year and a half ago. The locally run foodbank is helping to support individuals and families in our community of Penrhys. 

We are very grateful for all the kinds of donations including food and money. We have received great support from local friends and friends further afield. A special thank you must go to our volunteers who distribute the food parcels. If you are in a position to support our foodbank please pop in to Llanfair and any donations will be gratefully received. 



Profiadau ym Madagascar 2019

Ym mis Mai, cafodd naw ohonom sy’n gysylltiedig ag Eglwys Llanfair, Penrhys y fraint o deithio i Fadagascar. Roedd ein cyfeillion, Miara a Rebecca, sydd wedi bod yn gwasanaethu yng nghymuned Penrhys ers 2011, wedi bod yn frysur iawn yn trefnu ein hamserlen. Fe welsom llawer o arwyddion o dlodi enbyd yn ystod ein hymweliad – yn enwedig ymhlith plant, ond roeddwn yn ddiolchgar i weld arwyddion o obaith hefyd – yn arbennig yng ngwaith a thystiolaeth aelodau a gweithwyr Eglwys FJKM (Eglwys Iesu Grist ym Madagascar). Mae’r Eglwys yn helpu pobl bregus i deimlo’n bwysig – i deimlo eu bod nhw’n werthfawr ynghanol caledi eu bywydau o ddydd i ddydd.

Un peth sy’n drawiadol oedd y croeso cynnes a’r lletygarwch arbennig a brofwyd gennym yn ystod ein hymweliad.  Cawsom nifer helaeth o brofiadau diddorol dros ben a dyma rhai ohonynt:

  • ymweld a Chlwb Saesneg Eglwys FJKM Ambohidratrimo – roedd silffoedd gwag yn eu llyfrgell, felly aethon ni a chasgliad o lyfrau o Llanfair ar gyfer plant ac oedolion lleol I’w helpu i ymarfer darllen yn Saesneg;
  • cymeryd rhan mewn oedfa yn yr eglwys uchod am 6.30 y bore – yn dilyn ymarfer canu am 6 o.g.! Roedd yr eglwys yn orlawn gyda rhai pobl yn gorfod eistedd tu allan yn gwrando ar uchelseinydd.
  • swper gyda rhai o aelodau Eglwys Ambohidratrimo;
  • cwrdd a chyn-wirfoddolwyr fu gyda ni yn Llanfair dros y blynyddoedd;
  • cwrdd ag aelodau o Grwp Gristnogol Ny Ako (sy’n ymweld a Chymru bob dwy flynedd);

Fe ganon nhw Calon Lan i ni yn Gymraeg!

  • ymweld a Swyddfeydd FJKM yn y brifddinas, Antananarivo a chyfarfod y Llywydd, Pastor Ammi (a ddaeth i’r dathliadau arbennig yn Neuaddlwyd ac Aberaeron y llynedd ac sy’n awyddus i’r cysylltiad agos rhwng Llanfair ac FJKM i barhau;
  • ymweld a Chartref Akany Avoko Faravohitra (un o’r prosiectau sy’n cael ei chefnogi gan Apel Madagascar) gyda’r arweinydd Hanta Randriamalala, oedd yn wirfoddolwr ym Mhenrhys yn 2002; Mae Hanta yn berson rhyfeddol – yn llawn egni a brwdfrydedd , yn ysbrydoliaeth ac yn esiampl i bob un ohonom. Ar ol i’r merched ifainc a’r plant ganu a dawnsio, aeth Hanta a ni i’r adeilad sydd wedi cael ei hadnewyddu yn ddiweddar i fod yn gaffi a siop trin gwallt fel bod merched Akany yn mwynhau’r cyfle i gael profiad gwaith.
  • ymweld a chartref cyn-Arlywydd Madagascar, Marc Ravalomanana
  • cinio gydag aelodau o Scripture Union Madagascar;
  • ymweld ag Ysgol Ambohidratrimo, a rhyfeddu at frwdfrydedd ac ymroddiad y disgyblion a’r athrawon mewn adeilad mor llwm – heb drydan, gydag ystlumod a glaw yn dod i mewn drwy tyllau yn y to. Mae nhw’n bwriadau ail-enwi’r ysgol yn Ysgol David Griffiths;
  • ymweld a Phrosiect Ankisy gazy mewn ysgol lleol sy’n darparu brecwast a chinio am ddim i blant tlawd;
  • ymweld a Chartref Akany Avoko Ambohidratrimo;
  • cwrdd ag aelodau o Glwb Rygbi a Chlwb Peldroed Ambohidratrimo a chyflwyno peli rygbi a pheldroed iddynt fel rhoddion o aelodau Capel Mynydd Seion, Casnewydd;
  • ymweld ag Esgob Antananarivo a’i wraig;
  • ymweld a Choleg Diwinyddol FJKM;
  • taith i Andasibe – aros mewn gwesty am ddwy noson a mwynhau’r cyfle i weld cyfoeth bywyd gwyllt Madagascar fel lemurs a chrocodeilod;
  • taith i bentref Soavinandriana er mwyn ymweld a rhai o’r plant, pobl ifainc a theulu Miara a effeithiwyd gan y ddamwain bws difrifol a ddigwyddodd ym mis Awst 2017;

Diolch o galon i bobl Madagascar am eu haelioni a’u croeso rhyfeddol. Geson ni fel ffrindiau  o Llanfair amser fythgofiadwy, gwerthfawr ac emosiynol yn eu plith. Mae llawer gyda ni fel brodyr a chwiorydd yng Nghymru i ddysgu oddi wrthynt.  Misaotra betsaka!

April 4th, 2019

December 6th, 2018

Un ffordd o godi arian tuag at Apêl Madagascar eleni yw i goginio bwyd o’r wlad a’i werthu mewn bore coffi, neu gynnal swper Madagascar. Dyma glip o Eglwys Unedig Llanfair Penrhys, yn dangos i ni sut mae gwneud! Cewch hyd i fwy o ryseitiau ar ein gwefan


December 3rd, 2018


November 18th, 2018

Re-opening of the Llanfair Cafe

 Photographs of the re-opening of the Llanfair Cafe following a major refit. It was made possible by the generosity of Alan and Pat Parfeitt, long time friends of Penrhys from our partners in Wilmslow. We are grateful that Alan travelled from Wilmslow with their minister Kirsty Thorpe.


September 05th, 2018

LLanfair volunteers: 

Here are the reports from Tahiry and Avisoa from Madagascar who volunteered for 8 Weeks and Morgan from North Wales who volunteered for 2 weeks at Llanfair Uniting Church Penrhys.

(Photo L to R: Avisoa, Tahiry and Morgan)

Tahiry’s report:

“My name is Tahiry. I am from Madagascar. I am member of a Malagasy artistic group called Ny Ako, the artistic section of the Scripture Union in Madagascar. At the beginning, I did not plan to be volunteer here in Penrhys. I did not hear about the church yet. I have been proposed to come and I accepted. Now that I am here, I realize how wonderful is God’s plan and I perceive it as a privilege from Him.
Since I have been here, I learnt to serve God in a very different way to what I am used to in Madagascar. It is really serving God by serving the others (making tea and coffee, breakffast for people, helping children in homework club, playing with children, cleaning, washing dishes …). And, in fact, it is wonderful because you actually receive more by serving the others. You really see the meaning of God’s word : « It is more blessed to give than to receive ». I really enjoy the services here, Sunday school, bible study, meeting people in the cafe, visiting school, receiving children from school for morning prayers. And we even have welsh lesson !
Being volunteer here in Llanfair Uniting Church has allowed me to know more about God, more about His love through the hard work people do here. In addition to sharing love, Llanfair Uniting Church also taught me more about how to listen to others, to consider the needs of others and especially about patience and perseverance because it is a permanent and continuous mission.
I am amazed about the connections that the church has with schools and other organizations around and the great presence of the church in the community’s life. I think it is wonderful how the church has created a safe place for the community and especially for the children to grow up and to feel important, listened, considered, loved. I, personnally, felt that too right from the first time I arrived as we are really listened, welcomed and given responsibility and opportunity to contribute in the church’s life.
The church has a great potential and I think one of the greatest challenge is now to get people at different age involved such as teenagers, youngsters and young adults so that the mission help people during their life trajectory
Surely, with the good experiences I got here, I will go back to my country with many ideas to be more active as a christian, to be more creative about the way to share the gospel and to be a better person as well.” 

Avisoa’s report:

“My impressions about Penrhys:

A French writer named Guy de Maupassant once said: “To tell all would be impossible”. To a certain extent, I agree with him. However this agreement doesn’t prevent me from trying to tell you the whole story of this journey of mine from Madagascar to Penrhys. In the following lines I would
like to give you glimpse of how I felt about it in Madagascar, how life in Penrhys has been like so far
and finally how this experience changed my perspective for the future.
I always liked volunteering, in some way it can be the story of my life. I was always willing to join volunteering opportunities. So when I received the invitation for volunteering here in Penrhys the answer was naturally “Yes”. However, I didn’t really know what to expect or what they wanted me to do. Besides this would be my first time in a foreign country, so the feeling of excitement was
mixed with wondering and unanswered questions. I started to make my own picture about it, to imagine how it would be like. Yet it was a Yes for the unknown, I couldn’t believe I said “Yes “to the unknown.
Once I arrived in the UK, all the pictures I made of it were wiped away. Penrhys was not at all like I imagined it; the work was not like what I expected to be. It was way much better, I was happily surprised and realized that it was exactly what I wanted to do. From café to Sunday school, through homework club and football, I enjoyed every time spent with the children. Moreover, Penrhys people are very nice especially those who work for the church. I was particularly touched by their dedication to serve and show love to their community. And it’s such a great honour for me to work alongside such wonderful people. Definitely it has been a great pleasure so far.
Finally, being here, in a different culture, in a different country changed many things in me. I really feel that God is using this time here for my growth. Hearing the story of Penrhys gave me ideas for my community in Madagascar. In addition to that, not only did this experience here give me ideas, but it also taught me to act and fulfil those ideas. It urged me to take a step forward and take action in my community in Madagascar and also in my personal life.
All in all, this has been one of the greatest experiences of my life so far, from a step to the unknown to the encouragement to make a step forward in my future. But it would not be fair if I don’t say anything about the most important thing that made this journey so special. The people I met, new friends who became for me like a family, my welsh family. Thank you for your hospitality.”

Morgan’s report:

“- I have come here with PCW because my line manager, Hedd Morgan, because he wanted me to have a chance to serve practically.
– Over the past two weeks I have been involved with the café, the homework club on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and the football on Monday afternoons
– I’ve also been a part of the Open the Book and the Communion services.
– I paid a visit to the school with Sharon during the first week of being here.
– On the Sundays I have been with Wayne Adams, speaking in his own church, Temple Baptist church, and visiting Mount Pleasant in Ebbw Vale, preaching at Bethania Pendoylan, and taking part in the service at Park End in Cardiff.
– This visit has been a real eye opener for me, I have come to learn a lot more about the community of Penrhys and how the church serves it and is seen by it.

Impressions of Penrhys:

– In such a challenging community the most heart-warming thing is that Sharon, Rebecca and Miara know nearly everyone’s names
– Their commitment to hygiene and cleanliness is a show of how much they care about this place and that they have a desire for it to be the best facility that it can be for the community
– Their work in reaching the children is incredible because the children want to come to the homework club whilst it is so warm outside
– We have talked a little on what to do with the teenagers here but I do not know what the outcome of this will be, seeing as I’m only on a flying visit
– I would have loved to stay longer here working with Sharon, Rebecca and Miara, hopefully I will be able to come back soon.”


March 18th, 2018

Llanfair Uniting Church was featured on S4C programme “Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol” on Sunday March 18th, Please click on the link below to view:

(Available for 33 days)


June 26, 2017

Llanfair Uniting Church, 25th anniversary celebrations


May 22, 2017

Check out the article bellow from  the World Council of Churches’s website.

Rebecca Lalbiaksangi, our partner in mission attended a meeting co-ordinated by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Council for World Mission (CWM) in Johannesburg about “Evangelism from the margins”.

Evangelism from the margins is focus of Johannesburg meeting

Evangelism from the margins is focus of Johannesburg meeting

Participants of Johannesburg meeting, 6-12 May 2017, South Africa ©WCC

May 18, 2017

Grassroots practitioners, academics and evangelism project managers gathered 6-12 May in Johannesburg, South Africa, where they renewed their understanding and practice of evangelism from the margins.

Co-organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Council for World Mission (CWM), it was the second in a series of Explorations in Evangelism and focused on the theme Evangelism from the Margins. The first one, addressing Evangelism in the City, was held in Sydney, 2015.

As they shared personal stories, learned about each other’s context and challenges, and visited local communities, the participants found that the work of evangelism focusing on marginalized communities has a more important role than ever in today’s world.

The meeting allowed participants to embark on what at times was a harsh rediscovery of the role of evangelism in the midst of injustice, pain and suffering of all kinds, noted Kyriaki Avtzi, WCC programme executive for evangelism.

“Ending our time together with still many unanswered questions, we prayed that the prophetic voice of the church willl echo the message of love and solidarity to all, for all,” said Avtzi.

Difficult questions and troubling settings did not deter the group from exploring the new faces of evangelism, said Peter Cruchley, CWM mission secretary .

“They each challenged us to ask, from where does Jesus’s Good News come? We began a very important conversation which could offer us a new horizon for understanding evangelism.”

A key question brought to the table was, how much responsibility do Christians have in sharing God’s love around them?

One participant, Rebecca Lalbiaksangi from the UK, answered: “Justice, equality, sharing resources and people, simply understanding each other, and the willingness to change if required are some important factors for God’s kingdom here on earth.”

Lalbiaksangi was joined by another participant, Rev. Abraham Nkhata from Zambia, in expressing gratitude for the opportunity to learn about a contextual way of doing evangelism from the margins.

“We want to be grateful for the ability to find blessing in adversity as one of the most valuable gifts,” reflected Nkhata.

Since the 2013 launch of the WCC mission statement, Together towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes, the concept of mission from the margins has received considerable attention from scholars and theologians, as well as agencies directly concerned with mission and evangelism, observed Metropolitan Dr Mor Geevarghese Coorilos, CWME moderator.

“However,” he added, “the concept of ‘evangelism from the margins’ hasn’t been adequately addressed so far. In this sense, this consultation is indeed a pioneering effort that CWME and CWM can be proud of.”

Learn more about the evangelism from the margins

Read more about changing paradigms in evangelism

May 8, 2017

May 3, 2017

Contemporary Shrine and Temporary Church

On our visit to South Wales last week we were privileged to visit exciting churches. The first is built next to a Mediaeval Shrine, and the second is a coming together of two traditional denominations by the seaside! Neither is what you would expect!

Llanfair Uniting Church, Penrhys

Here is Penrhys, supposedly a visionary estate designed to lift the mining community out of the Rhondda valley-bottom up onto the hilltop – it may have given the residents amazing views, but also created terrible housing problems and social isolation. When I was a social worker, I was there in the 1970s and have awful memories of life on Penrhys. Is it coincidental that it is on the Holy site of pilgrimage to Mother Mary, considered in Medieval times as one of the great shrines? For it has been the Church which took up the vision of building the Kingdom of God. Set up as an eight denomination LEP, its ethos is in its strapline “A Church for everyone” The local primary children come each week to the church. Over the years its ministers and people have built a chapel ‘Llanfair’ in English, ‘Church of Mary’, and developed a couple of derelict flats for community use, with second-hand boutique, laundry, homework club, craft sessions and much more, all despite huge battles over funding, and sadly with some really-needed facilities having to close. But for me this is Church at its best, giving dignity and hope to all – at present with no minister, though with ministerial support, the local people are training to be accredited worship leaders. The picture above shows us celebrating communion and I can tell you the quality of their worship is of Heaven. A former minister of the church, John Morgans took many groups to Caldy Island for Bible study weekends. I remember the abbot there saying that all the thousands who go to the island looking for God will find God, but God made in their own image. If they want to meet the real God, then they must go home and into their community and God will be there.
God is certainly in Penrhys – it is a contemporary shrine!

Revd Kevin Watson, Moderator of the General Assembly, URC

Contemporary Shrine and Temporary Church


eNewsletter March 2017 edition of the United Reformed Church National Synod of Wales

Llanfair Uniting Church, Penrhys
In early January, the former moderator of General Assembly, John Ellis, visited Penrhys to see and experience the life at Llanfair Uniting Church. He also joined church members and ecumenical representatives for the January Sponsoring Body of the church. John has recently taken up the role of Treasurer within the Council for World Mission (CWM), and he was particularly interested to hear about the links Llanfair has with CWM. The URC, along with another 3 of the 8 sponsoring denominations, is a member of CWM. One of the team working at Llanfair, Rebecca Lalbiaksangi, is a CWM mission partner and she, together with her family, have had a huge impact on the life of the church and the wider community over the last few years. Recently, the work being undertaken at Llanfair was recognised by the General Secretary of CWM, Colin Cowan, when he referred to it in an address to their General Assembly, ‘this life affirming community in which the needs, interest and well-being of everyone is considered and in which the strategic role of the church in the very centre of life in the community that encouraged and inspired us’.The Sponsoring Body of Llanfair requested John write down some reflections following his visit. What he had to say was encouraging, and a challenge to those privileged to support this special church. Here are some of his thoughts.

Striking Features

1  Cheerfulness: Despite plenty of statistics to suggest the setting could be depressing, everyone at Llanfair comes across as positive and cheerful, which in itself radiates hope. Rarely have I experienced homework being done with such delight.

2 Integrated and Separate: Looking out from the flat window, you see the Penrhys estate and the traditional Rhondda valley, but with a space between. This seemed to speak both of how the Penrhys story cannot be understood except as part of the Welsh Valleys story, but also that is cannot be understood unless recognised as having its own unique features.

3 Chapel culture for the 21st Century: Traditional Welsh chapel culture embraced social events, children’s activities, community building and personal support as well as worship, a focus for the lives of those it reached. Llanfair is just as central to the lives of Penrhys families as it reinvents in a new form the embracing care of the old chapels. But two differences are striking: in Penrhys the Christians offer this ministry as a united body not as competing denominations; and in Penrhys the worshipping community is small, leading to very few people to share all the demands of sustaining this comprehensive view of ministry.

4 Non-stop programme: Llanfair is busy every day. There is far more activity in the premises than in many churches with larger worshipping communities and larger premises.

Striking Questions

1 Ministerial Deployment
Any model of ministerial deployment that relies on gathering a substantial number of church members or worshippers under one minister will be of little relevance to Llanfair. Penrhys illustrates acutely the importance of a church leader living amongst the community their church is seeking to serve. How can denominations with fewer ministers respond?

2 Locating Responsibility
Especially with few leaders on the ground, Llanfair highlights the need to be clear which parts of Church structures should be responsible for what types of support.  Are regional Church bodies most valuable when they provide administrative and technical support to individual congregations, rather than when they attempt strategies of their own? How in ecumenical projects do we avoid responsibility always being with that other denomination? What is properly expected of funding bodies?

3 Communications
Local church leaders work willingly with continuous intense demands but deserve adequate communications from outside Penrhys to provide support on matters that others can carry and to give them personal support. This includes having clear and responsive points of contact with partner organisations and sponsoring Churches. How is this best achieved and co-ordinated?

One of the Regional Meetings of Synod is at Llanfair in March. If you’ve not been before, it’s worth a visit where you might be able to pick up on some of the features John has referred to above.

Eglwys Unedig Llanfair, Penrhys

28 February 2017

Here is a video of the life and work of Llanfair in the Penrhys community, thanks to Rhodri Darcy of the Union of Welsh Independents who filmed during his recent visit.

Christian Aid Events 

5 May 2016

CAW16-logo-with-date (1)

House to House Collection: Sunday 15th – Saturday 21st May
Rich/Poor Supper: Monday 16th May at 7 pm (Tickets £3)
Christian Aid Service: Sunday 22nd May at 3 pm
Children’s Film with Popcorn: Thursday 5th May at 6 pm
Children’s Prize Bingo: Thursday 12th May at 6 pm
Children’s Auction: Thursday 19th May at 6 pm
Children’s Pyjama Disco: Thursday 26th May at 6 pm

Ny Ako is Coming to Penrhys !!!

June 8 – June 23


Ny Ako group organizes a Tour in Europe every two years. Thus, for 2016, this will take place from April 08th to July 8th. They will be touring Wales from June 8 to June 23, and will be based at Llanfair Uniting Church, Penrhys during this time.

  • They would like to point out that the objectives of the group are to:
    Share what they have lived and experienced, which others could tap into.
    • Make known to the world the riches of the Malagasy culture in terms of art: music and songs, choreography and traditional costumes, handcrafts and whatever can be displayed in the space of a show in the various places where the group is going to perform.
    • Weave fellowship links with people wherever they go. They are fully aware that they have a lot to learn from others as well, so they would greatly appreciate their input in our effort to improve their self- management skills.
  • Share their Christian faith, through music and dance.

This exciting and colourful group will be performing at Llanfair Uniting Church on 9 June at 6.30.  Everyone is welcome. Tickets will be on sale: £2 for adult and £1 for children. You are also invited to purchase from a variety of Malagasy crafts. Shop early for Christmas!

28 May 2016

Easter at Llanfair

Easter celebrations are well underway at Llanfair, the children are practicing the Easter Play that will take place on Good Friday at 3.00pm, following the Pilgrimage from the Well, and on Sunday afternoon at 3.00pm.  The full Easter Programme can be seen below. Please come and join us, everyone is welcome.

Easter times of services 2016-page0001

Festival of Light

Thirteen children and three adult volunteers went to  Clydach Vale on Thursday 17 March,to participate in the Lantern Parade organised by Citrus Arts.  This was not a religious celebration but a good time was had by all.

Anniversary Service

Llanfair celebrated its 24th anniversary with a special Service on Sunday the 28th of February. Led by Members of the Nurture Group and Sunday School children.

The bible readings were : Isaiah 40: 3-31 and Matthew 5: 1-16

The congregation sang the hymn to the tune of Llanfair (Welsh traditional) written by Fred Kaan for the opening service 24 years ago. We watched a video recording of the first anniversary service held in 1993, when resident musician at that time Hope Evans from Jamaica led locals in the hymn that she wrote “Penrhys, A Village on a Hill”.

The Service was followed by tea and cakes and a very enjoyable time was had by locals and visitors alike.

Many thanks to all who joined us on this happy occasion.

Next year will be our Silver Jubilee so watch this space for news of an extra-special celebration!

2 March 2016

Visit to The University of Wales Trinity St. David’s at Lampeter.

On a bright but very cold Wednesday morning, the Nurture Group travelled to St David’s, Lampeter, as part of the Nurture Study Course. John and Norah travelled down from Llanidloes to join us. We were officially welcomed to the oldest University in Wales by the Vice-Chancellor, Gwilym Dyfri Jones, followed by a short service lead by Father Allan Barton in the beautiful chapel. Dr. Catrin Williams gave us a lecture on “How to Study the Bible” and  Rev. Dr. Robert Pope, gave a talk on “Introduction to Theology”. They are both Heads of the school of Biblical studies, Theology and Islamic studies at UWTSD.


Following a delicious buffet lunch, Peter Hopkins, Curator of the Roderic Bowen Library and Archives showed us some of the University’s treasures, which included a first issue, first edition William Morgan Bible printed in Welsh in 1588, a wonderful handwritten illuminated manuscript made in 1269, and my personal favourite a well-loved Book of Prayers that had belonged to an aristocratic Tudor lady, possibly in the court of King Henry VIII. Also a first edition, first issue King James “He” Bible.

Norah said that it had been a wonderful birthday treat. It certainly was a day to remember. The Nurture Group would like to thank Alex Hamer, Eve Warburton for their help with organizing the trip (and the goody bags), and the University for their warm welcome and generous hospitality.

Anne Lord

24 February 2016

Llanfair Uniting Church Penrhys's photo.

Communion in the Cafe!

We had communion service with a difference this morning at Llanfair – in the cafe with our friend Rev. Rosa Hunt leading and sharing an appropriate message relating to our Bible Study of the week, Jer 1.1-19 There were only 8 of us, but it was a wonderful, heart-warming experience.

As we have said many times:- “God is not only in the chapel, He is also in the Cafe’ and ‘out there’ in the community!”

Sharon, Michael and Paul

17 February 2016